OLC Innovate 2016

(to be organized)

  1. Got on the plane and yelled "#OLCInnovate in the house!" Cold blank stares. It's gonna be a long flight with THAT attitude, people!
  2. @grandeped I just yelled that here and had the same thing, so it's not you
  3. @grandeped well hurry up and get here where weirdness and dorkdom are celebrated! #OLCInnovate
  4. @grandeped Get some in-flight participation going to break the ice... "When I say 'OLC', you say 'Innovate'...OLC!..." #OLCInnovate
  5. @RMoeJo maybe we were just shouting to each other in a cloud-connected innovative way... #OLCInnovate
  6. One or two innovative adaptive radical transformative personalized innovative disruptive radical blended learning options here #OLCInnovate
  7. So the big #OLCInnovate question now as I wait in line to check in is... food or present at my own session? #priorities #olcsnark
  8. @grandeped ... Brings back memories! Just confirms we were on the right track years ago! #OLCInnovate https://t.co/LG2aFZelEH
    @grandeped ... Brings back memories! Just confirms we were on the right track years ago! #OLCInnovate pic.twitter.com/LG2aFZelEH
  9. Alright #OLCInnovate people - the innovation police is here. Coordinate it ALL with me! #olcsnark https://t.co/4FnBSpgJxz
    Alright #OLCInnovate people - the innovation police is here. Coordinate it ALL with me! #olcsnark pic.twitter.com/4FnBSpgJxz
  10. What I wouldn't give for an elevator with buttons inside it at #OLCInnovate #olcsnark
  11. @grandeped It’s like a good LMS - once you’re in it, you better not change your mind. #OLCinnovate #olcsnark
  12. @anrikard Be careful - some around these parts believe in mythical beasts like "good LMS"s #OLCInnovate #olcsnark
  13. @grandeped I can only imagine, seeing some of the disruptors trying to INNOVATE down there! #CLmooc #humanMOOC #rhizo16 #OLCInnovate
  14. @grandeped is kicking off his session on utilizing innovative customizable pathways...and some other stuff ;) #olcinnovate
  15. #OLCInnovate - @grandped mixing xmooc and cmooc modalities supporting fluid movement between both
  16. .@grandeped "Customizable modality course" improves autonomy for students in Moocs #OLCInnovate
  17. Everyone congratulate @grandeped for recently completing his dissertation research! #OLCInnovate
  18. Combining instructivist & connectivist approaches in #HumanMOOC engage Ss in meta of learning approaches #OLCInnovate
  19. Hearing @VConnecting feedback. It is not me, just watching along and making noise in the Twitterverse @grandeped #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  20. Looking at @grandeped's question #3; is there a universal, shared definition of is meant by "scaffolding"? #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  21. For @grandeped's question #2, I wonder why an instructor would want to do this at all? #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  22. In other words, for @grandeped's question #2, isn't teaching to both streams really teaching 2 courses? #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  23. I like teaching to where learners are, but to both streams without help seems exploitative @grandeped's question #2 #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  24. Per @grandeped's Q1, can there be a neutral zone? Are we just pretending, as that world cannot exist? #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  25. Talking to myself (why not?); grading via @grandeped's Q4 makes me wonder if engaging pedagogy already does that? #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  26. I REALLY like allowing us a glimpse into @grandeped's presentation and questions. Kudos @VConnecting #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  27. While tables and the online @VConnecting group engages, I find it useful to consider here for anybody to see later #OLCInnovate #humanmooc
  28. Moreover, my own thinking & processing happens via writing and sharing, even when no immediate responses #OLCInnovate #humanmooc @grandeped
  29. HE should be for all SS how can picking your own pathway create more pathways for SS #OLCInnovate
  30. Bob asks us where are the students in our presentation ... we are very curriculum focused not student focused #olcinnovate #humanmooc
  31. #OLCInnovate @grandeped : discussion: challenge of accessibility of HE - not just scaffolding also modality ; c/x MOOC blend created camps
  32. can cMOOCs and xMOOCs co exist? Q at @grandeped session #OlcInnovate A: I've learned in both a lot. why the either or? I prefer th choice
  33. Yes, that is Ramen noodles AS A BUN. All your innovates are meaningless now #OLCInnovate #olcsnark https://t.co/g4DXnb3s08
    Yes, that is Ramen noodles AS A BUN. All your innovates are meaningless now #OLCInnovate #olcsnark pic.twitter.com/g4DXnb3s08
  34. My new catch phrase for when people don't like my ideas: "Don't hate the Innovate!" #OLCInnovate #olcsnark #IKnowItMakesNoSense #IDontCare
  35. The women innovators session is bringing it big time to #OLCInnovate - a hard but necessary and awesome conversation.
  36. But also soooo frustrating hearing stories of blatant sexism still happening in 2016. Wake up dudes! #OLCInnovate
  37. This is the first time I’ve heard “MOOC“ at #OLCInnovate. Yesteryear’s ”innovation.“
  38. You must do the guided tour through @RMoeJo Innovation Installation at #OLCInnovate - mind blowing. In a post-modernist way, of course :)
  39. The Innovation Installation is super. Great experience, excellent research, and excellent challenges. #olcinnovate  https://twitter.com/grandeped/status/723189380832215040 
  40. A good point by @grandeped: How many swear words appear in MOOC discussion forums? Reflective of experiences, these are humans #OLCInnovate
  41. It's the @VConnecting birthday party! Come join online or in the hotel lobby. Action shot: #OLCInnovate https://t.co/pY1VCS3F1F
    It's the @VConnecting birthday party! Come join online or in the hotel lobby. Action shot: #OLCInnovate pic.twitter.com/pY1VCS3F1F